Coach • Leader • Consultant
After more than 30 years as an arts leader, I made some big changes in my life and rediscovered my creativity and passion. I believe in human connection and empathy, and I have put that belief into practice by helping others find pathways to fulfillment.
“I left our [coaching] sessions feeling hopeful, amped up, and ready to dive into my big goals head-first. I know myself better because of our sessions, and the things I used to see as ‘pipe dreams’ are now that much closer to reality.”
– Amanda DeBoer Bartlett,
new music artist & organizer
“[Deborah's] expertise, breadth of knowledge, and experience provided us with day to day immediately actionable steps, as well as long-term vision for sustainability.”
– Joy-Leilani Garbutt,
Co-Founder, Boulanger Initiative